Milon's Secret Castle related links...

Wikipedia's Milon Secret Castle entry - basic info on the game.

Seanbaby's page of Useless Power-Ups - really funny page raggin' on Milon's Secret Castle.

The MightyJustice Gaming Show: Milon's Secret Castle - brief review of the game by some guy on YouTube.

Milon's Secret Castle in 05:28 - YouTube video of a speed-run (aided by a turbo button and apparently some editing)

Hall of Cheese - more funny raggin'. (note: page is down, so the link goes to a text copy)

NES Horsemen - yep, you guessed it.. another funny diss/review of the game.

GameBoy Review - here's a somewhat positive review of the GameBoy version of MSC.

Steve's Obscure Super Famicom Games - here's a glowing review of the rare 2nd Milon game.

Wrestling - silly Milon vs. Link match

Some more tips and stuff - at

Hudson's official site - mostly in Japanese. not very useful or interesting, but oh well.

purchase links..
Milon's Secret Castle NES game (Amazon)
Milon's Secret Castle GameBoy game (Amazon)
Milon's Secret Castle eBay search


 (my NES site)


{Milon's Secret Website}