05/08/02 Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA


Infamous Rilo Kiley show, referred to by Jenny as "the meltdown show." Apparently she lost her temper with the little keyboard they used for "Always" and she bust it up real good! Blake was pissed at her, because he'd had the keyboard since he was a kid. But a few months later, Jenny found a replacement keyboard and gave it to Blake as a gift. So I guess everything worked out OK.


i was lucky enough to set up a show at my college (Wellesley) and
have Rilo Kiley play this past Wednesday.

I'm posting because something happened that night...

For the last song in thier set, RK played "Always." All was going
well until at the very end Jenny went crazy and started smashing up
the tiny keyboard they play the opening rif on. I was actually sort
of scared. She was banging it on the ground and going totally mad.
Pieces of it were flying into the crowd and she was killing the
little keyboard.

My first thought was "oh, they must have plenty of those keyboards"
but then after the show I talked to Blake who said he had had it
since he was 6. he was holding onto a big chunk of it in his coat
pocket and when my friend asked "what's that?" blake
responded "That's the past..."

I didn't witness it, but as RK moved their stuff off-stage Blake was
super pissed at Jenny. He chose to spend the night with Ozma, rather
than go with the rest of his band. The whole night he was sulking.

I just got a report from a friend who saw them in NJ last night.
Blake had refused to play Always without the little keyboard.

A friend who talked to Blake Wed. night said he said "That was
probably the last time we'll ever play it."

Sniff sniff...


[a few days later]

Now if I may address a more serious issue. The destruction the the
"Always" keyboard. I spoke to Blake about the incident. He claims
that Jenny just got in to the song and acidents happen, but I think
was just trying to keep a united front. Stiff upper lip and all
that rot. Also the question of will Always ever be played live
again...the answer is probably not any time soon. When I heard about
the keyboard incident I tried to find a replacement. I can solemly
swear that keyboards like Blakes are no longer made. I searched
everywhere. I believe the only hope for us to hear Always again is
for a miracle to happen and a similar keyboard to be found at a
Garage Sale by the band. All we can do now is pray.

- josef ploski