[pre-review] from
May 9-15, 2002
Rilo Kiley
This band doesn't need a guitarist as good as Blake Sennett. Rilo Kiley
already has plenty of hooks to catch you: smart, hummable tunes, Jenny
Lewis' tart and twangy voice, bizarre lyrics that shudder with joy and
horror -- "Crash sites keep me up at night / impact, division / it
splits in two / directly underneath you." No it's not necessary that
this pop band let loose a mean-fingered rock guitarist like Sennett
right in the middle of everything, but they do. And the effect is
actually kind of mesmerizing, watching this kid in a mesh ball cap step
forward to pull off 20 seconds of dazzling six-string tricks before
slinking back into the melody. This band will win you over.
Sun., May 12, 5 p.m. $7, all ages show, w/ Ozma and New Dance Show, The
Fire, 412 W. Girard Ave., 267-671-9298.
–Patrick Rapa [review] i saw them in philly last night
i winked at jenny while she was looking at me, she smiled, my twin
brother asked for her number, it was funny, she gave him her email
address, the setlist was short but sweet, they didnt play sword,
which was disappointing, but they were so great, i got to talk to
some of the guys from ozma and the fantastically gorgeous fill in
keyboardist, they are the best, it was in a very very small venue in
north philly that i'd never been to before, it was quite cozy and
homey, it was probably the best show ive ever seen with exception
only to the ozma get up kids weezer show in dc last march, it was
incredible, i really had a great time
you missed out if you couldnt make it -fellanativ |