08/01/02 Detroit, MI, Magic Stick

w/ Desaparecidos, Motion City Soundtrack, Few and Far Between


Time now for the latest news of the Rilo Kiley National Tour from

I arrived an hour and a half before show time, I had done this
the last time the band played the same venue and had the pleasure of
helpin them carry their gear in. I was hoping for the same
occurrence, but to no avail. I was able to talk to Jason while I was
waiting outside. He reported all is well in Kiley land and with him
personally and we both looked forward to a great show. I met fellow
RK fanclub member paulG at the show, he had brought many new converts
and like all new disciples they all wanted to meet Jenny first so
they had a mini worship session with photos and the like after this
was complete Jenny came over to me and greeted her old priest. I
asked how things were and she reported a bit of a cold…but I
couldn't hear any effect it had on her later in the show. I asked if
Detroit would be blessed enough to hear Always, she said no; but said
they had performed it twice this tour which gave me hope.
The Merch shop was selling the T&L CD's along with a new
T-Shirt (which I picked up). The new CD will be out on October 1st;
and I have another announcement...the title of the new CD will
be...drum roll...The Execution of All things. You heard it HERE
first kids!
The two bands that preceded RK were Motion City Soundtrack of
Minnesota and local Detroit band Few and Far between. The Detroit
band was better in my opinion, but I'm prejudiced
As for Rilo's performance they had some technical difficulties
starting off but once they were ironed out the set went well They
played Picture of Success, Wires and Waves, Plane Crash in C, Science
Vs. Romance, Small Figures in a Vast Expanse, and 4 new songs one I
really liked that starts off about baseball. Blake was his usual
crazy self on the guitar just jamming and jumping all over the place.
Jason beat the drums with rhythm and style, even losing a stick along
the way. Pierre, who based on my previous exposure to this merry band
I took to be the most subdued and calm, was even jumping around.
Pierre also continues to show his other talents-He also plays
keyboards...Who knew? And of course Miss Lewis, who rocked about on
guitar and bounced about at her keyboards, did an excellent job both
vocally and musically. Jenny had a small fake bunny on her keyboard
with antlers and several audience members, alas I was not amongst
their number, got to pet it. It was a fun evening.

On my way back to the car I hear a voice call out my name and Pierre
is sitting on an urban planter. All is well on his end (He was on
the phone calling home) Sofia is still cute but getting her to sleep
is hard...and he thanked me for the small ewok plush I got Sofia. If
I can bring a little joy to peoples lives through Star Wars
merchandise then I've done my job.

Looking forward to the new CD and the new tour sometime in November

May the force be with you all...Good Night from Hockeytown

-josef ploski


yes, that pretty much sums it up, good show indeed. I was with PaulG
(but not actually and "new convert"). Meating Jenny was pretty cool,
even though I didnt ever actually say anything. Later Jenny waved at
us on the couch, that was neat. Joe, why didn't you buy a drink or
two for my friends? oh well, alls well.

my only complaint about the show would be the soundmen. as somewhat
of a soundman myself, i could definitely find some errors on their
part. first off, theyd played (bad) music all during what would
arguabley be called a sound check. how do you tune a guitar with all
that noise? as a result of that, jenny's mic was pretty quiet and
blake's guitar was cranked through the house, which was good because
he has some great solos, but it was kind of overpowering. thats my
two cents.

- petrockstealer

[and another]

i guess i don't have much to add that these two haven't said
already. sound was a bit annoying but the band still played great
regardless. i did manage to talk to jason after the show and he
seemed to think that it was a pretty rough set but i think everyone
in the crowd was pretty happy with the set. i got to hear blake sing
this time so that was good.
