Getting to the Fireside was trivial compared to my previous Rilo
Kiley concert experiences, there was no hunting for a parking space
(side streets were free and had open spaces). I found the Fireside
quite easily. My brother in law RC, came with for the concert.
Three bands played that night, The Like Young, Rilo Kiley, and
Desaparecidos. I enjoyed The Like Young very much, and bought one of
their Albums. Rilo Kiley took the stage afterwards, as they started
setting up, the crowd built up quickly. It appeared quite a few
people were there to see Rilo Kiley, as I saw quite a few people
singing along with the songs. Rilo Kiley as always played an amazing
set. All four bounded around the stage with energy and excitement,
despite the blazing heat. The heat was almost unbearable in the
crowd just standing there, I have no idea how any of them can play
for 45 min in that kind of heat, much less with that kind of energy.
They played a number of old favorites, and several new songs,
including Chemical Stress which right now is still playing in my
head. Several people in the crowd made some out of place passing
comments to Blake about his previous TV work, which he took in good
humor, but seemed mildly annoyed with.
After the show, we relinquished our place in the crowd to the
Desaparacidos fans, and went back to the sales table to get a copy of
The Initial Friend CD. None were on display, so I waited for one of
the Rilo Kiley crew to show up at the table to see if they had one
with. Blake showed up first, they didn't have a copy of The Initial
Friend at the table, and he offered to get it from the car. Since we
were planning on seeing them the next night I said I'd pick it up
there. RC got Blake's autograph on his Take Offs & Landings CD.
saw Jenny go out the door, and shortly thereafter come back in. We
went over and spoke with her briefly, she recognized me from previous
concerts, which made me happy. We wern't able to get her autograph,
because she didn't have a pen with, and neither did we. We told her
it was ok, we could get it at the next show in Iowa.
We went home to ready ourselves for the Journey to Iowa.
-positronic_cat |