09/28/02 Henry Fonda Theatre Los Angeles, CA [Execution of All Things release show]

w/ Dntel, She Said Yeah


this i going to be a quick review i'm tired.

they had an intro song this time. i don't know what it was though.
but it was playing over the PA. and it seemed like jason was hiding
behind his kit because when they all walked out he just kinda stood
up. :) course i just wasn't looking at him walk out most likely.

it was mostly new material. thankfully when i heard the show was
being postponed pre-ordered the cd so i knew everything they played.
the new songs that blake sings were recieved quite well but i think
it just takes a bit longer for a blake song to catch on. his voice
just isnt' as catchy as jenny's.

blake announced that his dad drove up. jenny's dad was there.
and "duke's" (pierre) grandparents where there. also jason's father
was supposed to be there too but they hadn't seen him yet. (correct
me if i got the wrong relative) i saw just the top of pierre's
grandfathers head. he was in the first row of the balcony center
stage and that's all i could see of him from the floor.

phillip was in attendance walking around in the audience and balcony
enjoying the show. (i feel sorry for those not in LA cause phillip
does make the shows for me) ((phillip is the trumpet player)) when
they came back for the encore blake asked if phillip was there. half
the audience yells yes he was just over there and points in different
directions. then we are all looking around the room. he's not
there. blake says well he's not in this song. but if he's here
we ... well ... we might play two songs. (not exact words) so then
they finish first song. call out for phillip again. no one knows
where he is. blake says "yah he's not union. he can do what he
wants. we're all union so we have to play this song" so then they
start "plane crash in C" near the end where phillip should be i start
to give up hope of him coming out. but the band is just rocking out
on stage right now and we're all jumping around. from way backstage
you see someone running. phillip busts out on stage all out of
breath. has his trumpet case under his arm. rips it open throws
case down and starts playing. but the songs over. so he just does
some random trumpet stuff. but he's doing it into a mic that's off
so blake is holding another one over for him so everyone can hear.
then while the whole band is laughing at that great entrance they say
we're going to do the end so he can play and they redid just end
part. (he played into the dead mic again pierre had to tell him to
use other one)

so all in all the show was great i went home a happy boy. plus it
was fun to slip and slide on the wet sidewalk over all the hollywood
stars on the way out since it had rained.
