8.14.03 Troubadour West Hollywood
opening artists:
-tim kasher (of the good life); did an acoustic set
-mike bloom; also an acoustic set
-matt ward; rilo backed him up on a few songs
-rilo: opened up with troubadours, and did this real awesome segue
into ALWAYS! which they don't play often. you could tell, when we
heard the intro we all went insane. played almost everything off of
execution, and it was a real treat to hear Bulletproof, 'cause I
haven't heard that live in a while either. they performed one of
their newer songs, Room8, as well as Pictures of Success, August,
and Spectacular Views off of TOAL.
The crowd was real energetic, funny even; some guy yelled something
like, "stay here! there's not enough whiskey in nebraska!",
Blake wetting the crowd w/ his water bottle was awesome, and some
lucky person in the crowd caught the mini toy keyboard jenny was
using during a song. Jenny was super nice when i asked to take a pic
w/ her.
what else, what else... did anyone get the setlist? i didn't have a
pen/paper, so i forgot the exact order. oh yea... i think they
stopped letting people sing on stage for With Arms Outstretched.
see you guys at the glasshouse!
-Eirene (link)