[review] from
posted by Kenny.
ok slightly fuller report from me though i don't really write about
music all too well...
Borderline was considerably less packed than I'd feared, what with it
having sold out really quickly and RK getting a good amount of press (on
Teleext and in Saga magazine etc), to be honest there were scant few
people around even during the support band. Oh yeah they were alright, 3
blokes - piano, guitar and drumming (v. good drumming), a bit
Keane/Embrace-esque and not my cup of tea but undoubtedly good. They had
a big sound. Called 'Bailey'. playing at the 12 Bar in London Thurs 24
Venue starts filling up and gerryuk, Different Gravy and myself quaff
ales. Blake comes on and spends an ultimately futile 10 minutes
soundchecking (me tryying not to giggle at his high-pitched speaking
voice that I'd forgotten about, then band comes on and those of us at
front really really can't hear any amplified vocals, I reckon -
literally just what we could hear by being close to Blake. So blah blah
they rocked out pretty loudly [edit] oh the drummer was notably
excellent, I don't normally really notice good drumming as I am
generally ignorant of what CONSTITUTES good drumming - especially when
the lead singer is yummy Rolling Eyes [/edit] while the vocals slowly
became more evident, pretty much the same setlist as gerryuk posted
above and some more songs (i don't pay attention to titles, sorry...but
sad that that they didn't play Accidntl Deth which has rapidly become
one of my favourite songs of all time by anyone) and hopefully my
photography was unobtrusive being as it was flashless unlike the phalanx
of digitals and disposables clicking away
Jenny pulled three nearby punters up on stage to sing "With Arms
Outstretched" but I don't think they really knew much more than the
chorus...was sweet though. Had to giggle when some bird tried to
backchat Blake when he queried his sound guy about the monitors
bird: "It's the Borderline mate it's not the bleeding Brixton Academy"
BLake: "What? Oh that's Robbie, he's our friend, I'm allowed to ask
about the monitors" or some such
Main thing was the band were loving it - from postings here from our
American friends I was worried that they might have developed some
"attitude" but no, they were sweet. McFee reports chatter at the back
but there was none of that 'hipster kid' stuff suffered by
supersecretlisajay, down the front.
Slightly unnerving moment when Jenny crossed the stage and stood right
in front of me (i.e. my face about 2 inches from her bum!) -where's a
boy to look Shocked (I think she wanted a close-up pic but I'd run out
of film, ha ha)
Massive instrumental wig-out at the end (which is where all the good
potos might have been had I not run out of film but hey it's not about
the photography is it) then one sweet little encore during which I
resorted to the digital camera, always a last resort but think I did OK
(quickfire-golden.jpg is by far my favourite)
Loitered at the end and chatted with Jenny briefly, she is an angel
Then due to miscalculations on my part, Different Gravy and I had to run
very quickly from Euston to St. Pancras, quite an adventure Smile [edit]
Friday morning my legs are still feeling the burn, bit worrying really
as it's only about 6 minutes of running! |