Rilo Kiley Place



Rilo Kiley songs with alternate titles

Rilo Kiley has been known to have more than one name for some of their songs. Not just as working titles, but even after they're released they sometimes still call 'em by their old names! Also, sometimes fans mistake names of new songs before they're released.

Baby You're Bad News = Portions For Foxes
Chemical Stress
= My Slumbering Heart
Daughter or Gold Digger = Execution of All Things or Spectacular Views (on Execution of All Things).. yeah, they seem to refer to multiple songs as this title.. it must be an inside joke or something!
Everybody Dies = It Just Is
Holiday For Hanging = It's A Hit
Let Me Back In = I Love LA
Let's Try A New Change = Small Figures In a Vast Expanse
Roommate or Rumaine = Room 8
Salute MY Shorts! = Spectacular Views (hidden track on Take Offs And Landings). This song actually has 2 titles. It originally went by "Spectacular Views", but then when Execution of All Things came out, there was another song on it called "Spectacular Views" (working title was "No Bad Words"), so they changed the name of the original to "Salute MY Shorts!".. which had been a name it was called for a while, unofficially. Confusing, I know!
The Moonlight = About The Moon
Untitled = Absence of God (not to be confused with the untitled song by Jenny Lewis with the Watson Twins. Damn, girl, title your songs! LOL)


setlist shorthand

If you get one of Rilo's setlists after a show, you'll notice just about all the song names are abbreviated. Here are translations.

"chem stress" = My Slumbering Heart
"moods" = Capturing Moods
"execution" = The Execution of All Things
"romic" or "science" = Science Vs. Romance
"paints" or "paints peelin" = Paint's Peeling
"frozenlake" = The Good That Won't Come Out
"pictures" or "pictures of" or "build your own" = Pictures of Success
"a better son" = A Better Son/Daughter
"let's try" = Small Figures in a Vast Expanse
"hail to" = Hail to Whatever you Found In the Sunlight That Surrounds You
"with arms" or "promised" = With Arms Outstretched
"spec views" or "no bad words" = Spectacular Views (Execution of All Things)
"wires" = Wires and Waves
"3 hopeful" = Three Hopeful Thoughts
"salute" = Salute MY Shorts! (aka Spectacular Views) (Take Offs and Landings)


mislabeled songs that are NOT Rilo Kiley songs

Sometimes lyric websites like will have strange songs labeled as Rilo Kiley. Don't believe them! They are dirty liars!

Blinded By The Right
Dear Slim
Don't Wait
Gin Sippin'
I'm Sorry For Being Such A Crappy Friend [actually by a band called B'ehl, from their album weirdly titled Bright Eyes]
Martha Stewart
Take Me Out
The Greater Depression
The Pledgeof Allegiance

Please email me with any additions, corrections, or whatever. Thanks.
( page updated: September 09, 2008 )

Rilo Kiley Place