ENIT Festival- Big Bear Lake, CA, August '96
From G.K.--
I wrote down what I remembered of the setlist like a day or two after, so it may be a bit off...
Good God's Urge
Wishing Well
Tahitian Moon
Thick of it all
dogs rule the night
Summertime Rolls
Bad Shit
I Would For You
100 Ways
Porno For Pyros
Porpoise Head
I've seen P4P a few times, and this was my favorite. When we first got there, around 4pm, Stephen was doing one of those drum circle deals where a bunch of people stand around and bang on things. Pretty cool. We didn't get a chance to play anything, but after they wrapped up, we got to meet him.. though very, very breifly because his lady-friend had to use the little girl's room.
The show/festival was outdoors, up in the mountains, and it was about 11pm by the time P4P came on so it was pretty damn cold.
They sounded great. Mike Watt was all covered up in like a hooded monk thing. The horn section from Sun Ra Arkestra played on "100 Ways", but they obviously didn't rehearse it much because it sounded so bad it was laughable.. but give Perry some credit for trying something different. "Summertime Rolls" got everybody singing along. I think this was the only of the four '96 Enits NOT to get "Mountain Song" (what the hell?! it was IN the damn mountains!). But I think we were the only one that Love And Rockets played at. They did a good set ("No New Tale to Tell" was the highlight... and I think Stephen played percussion on a couple songs with them), but the coolest part of the night was when they came out to help sing on P4P's last song, "Porpiose Head." The 'la dee da, la da dee' part seemed to go on forever as Perry and the L&R guys crowded the mic, all smiles and laughing.
Eventually, everybody cleared the stage except for Perry and Daniel Ash who were still at it, busting up like crazy. They ended up on the floor like a couple of drunken buddies. A cool way to call it a night. The dj dance music played on through the night, but we left about an hour after P4P.. despite the fear we had that they might spontaniously decide to play another set in the wee hours of the morning.
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