From: Psicom23
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 04:30:48 EST
Subject: Review of P4P show
Hey whats up? This is Dave from I was looking at some of the reviews on your site and thought I'd submit my review of the Porno show from 10/24/96 St. Louis, MO, Mississippi Nights.
The club is fucking tiny, so i got there like four hours early and there was
already a line. It wasn't too bad though, and I knew I'd be close to the stage.
While wating I saw Mike Watt come walking out the front door of the club, so
I asked someone to hold my spot in line so I could talk to him. No one else
knew who he was. Mike was nice as shit and we sat and bullshitted for awhile
about his records and touring with Porno. On to the show. They started out with
Orgasm, the whole band playing for like two minutes with no Perry. Finally he
came walking out and the place went nuts. He was right in front of me and I
was so happy. He was in a green dress and had leopard print tights on underneath,
with his face painted with intricate designs. I vaguely remember the set, but
I do remember that Porpoise Head and Black Girlfriend were the encores. After
Black Girlfriend some guy crowd surfed right on top of me and handed Perry a
ring. Perry said, "A gift for me, and now a gift for you," and Watt started
pounding out the opening to Mt. Song. At that point I've never been in the middle
of a more excited crowd. The place went absolutely fucking nuts. You couldn't
hear a word Perry was singing because the crowd was singing so loud. I was getting
squished up against the metal barrier that seperated the crowd from the stage
and people were falling down around me and shit. I thought for sure someone
was going to get seriously hurt. Then it was over and the crowd poured out into
the streets still singing Mt. Song. Easily one of the best nights I've ever
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