The story of this show was that the promoter printed tickets and flyers for the wrong night... Jane's showed up a day early to play the show that was dated on the contract and the promoter frantically tried to contact people that the show was going on one night early.. [that is why on the bootleg recording Perry makes the comment about the people in the balcony looking ridiculous...] there were 300 fans in a 1400 seat theater.
Thanks to Gavin (not me, a different Gavin) for giving me this info.
From Chris...
this is probably the funniest show out there, and I'm sure a lot of people would agree with me. Some funnies: Perry's WWF rantings- cry for "Hulkimaniacs", predicting that Randy Savage is going to kick Hulk Hogan's butt, siding with the Macho Man because he is the underdog and has the lovely Miss Elizabeth in his corner, buys his girlfriend dresses like miss elizabeth's so she can look like her, Perry's singing "the bouncer is a Pig" in Pigs in Zen and rapping off before Summertime that it might be a good time for some boucers to beat people up because it's a slow song... this is one funny show.