Subject: Addition to list for Jane's Concert
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 18:16:24 -0700

On 10-13-90 I saw Jane's in concert in Frankfurt. i would just like to add that they played at the " Batschkapp " which is an old movie theater that plays 2,000 (no more seats). It's wicked cool and was a great concert attended by 40 hearty slammin American's and 1000 unsure Germans.
Unforgettable! enjoyed your site...relived memories are sometimes very cool.

Brian McCullough

Date: Sun, 01 Oct 2000 14:07:31 PDT
From: GarToy68

I just wanted to comment about the show a friend an I went to in Frankfurt
Germany. It was held in the Batschcapp( Bat cellar) It was great We were next to the
stage and had to hold on to it to keep from getting sucked into the mosh pit.
that place was hot. While we were there we meet David Gahan of Depeche Mode
and the led singer of New Order who stopped by to catch the show.We had a
great time.