From Keith--
The Bronco Bowl was a concert hall with a bowling alley in another part of the building. It was always strange to wander over there before a show and see the roadies with purple dreads bowling in the lane next to a bunch of cowboy-type senior citizens. Anyway, that night the crowd was quite pumped for Jane's, you could feel the adrenaline. I missed
the initial river of humanity that rushed the stage when the lights went down, so to get past security I had to rush with this cute blond girl, but we made it! I'll never forget that version of Up the Beach, I've
never been that excited to see a band before or since. The versions of Ted and Mt. Song were extremely heavy as well. The barricade broke on one side of the stage, and girls kept leaping up to attack Perry, who
appeared to love every minute of it. As one particular girl was being carried off stage, Perry ran up to her, dropped to all fours, and performed brief simulated cunnilingus. He then returned to the mike
and said "These girls got balls. And I want them alllll..."