Great site....I enjoyed it all.
I have some info for your Concert Chronology....
The first Jane's show I saw was not listed:
11-13-1987 Capitol Theater, Port Chester, NY
They were opening for Love and Rockets.
We got lost on the way there from NYC, and missed almost all of Jane's set.
I do remember the last song was "Chip Away."
You mention in "mystery shows" a gig in "Fall 87 - Stony Brook
University Gym, NY (opening for love and rockets)."
This gig in fact did take place, but I didn't go as I chose to go to Port Chester
instead. It was earlier the same week as the other show, maybe two or three
days before, so you can confidently date it to early November 1987 (probably
11-10 or 11-11).
Also, you can definitely add this one: 11-12-1987, Beacon Theatre, New York,
I attended this show (also opening for Love and Rockets) but got there after
Jane's had finished playing...
Greg Fasolino