This was an amazing show. I paid 5 dollars to see this show !! At the infamous St. Andrews Hall in Detroit. 12-4-88. I had the tape of Nothing's Shocking and had to see what this band was like live. Wow. as they opened the show with Kettle Whistle, you could see Perry's black hat and red opera gloves. Soon, the hat came off as the band ripped into "Obvious" and "Whores." Perry's dreadlocks were flying and quite frankly as a college freshman, I was kind of scared. I'd never seen anything like this before at this point, besides Ratt and Poison. Stephen Perkins was going nuts behind his drum kit complete with a pillow stuffed in his bass drum. Then came "standing in the shower thinking", "Idiots Rule" , and "Ted", where Perry stumbles and falls backwards into Stephen Perkins drum kit. A total wipe out. Later, they give a great "Pigs in Zen", complete with audience participation. Its not over yet as they rip into "Stop" "Summertime Rolls" , "trip away" and "Mountain Song." The show closes with "Ocean Size" as Perry tooses Daves guitar across the stage. I have this complete show on video and its quite a piece of work if anyone is interested. e-mail me at I was also there and it was fantastic.

It could also be noted that Perry fucked up his ankle during this show. He stuck it out for the remainer of the show, but for the next few shows he had some sort of cast on his foot.