From: Mark L.

Don't know if you are still maintaining this site. I found it searching to find a bootleg of them doing Zeppelin's Whole Lotta Love.

I saw that you show the only performance of that song in Sacramento 1987. I heard them actually play it (I believe the first time publicly and totally by accident) at the Club Lingerie in Hollywood in early December 1986 before they'd even released their first album. They were on stage before their set trying to tune their instruments and the DJ refused to turn down the taped music. Perry kept pleading "could you please turn down the music?" but to no avail. So then Whole Lotta Love started playing and Dave started playing along with it, then turned up his floor monitor to overpower it (tuning his guitar all the while) then Perry started singing along and screaming over Plant's vocals, then Steve and Eric started playing and the crowd went fucking bananas. The sound guy capitulated and turned off the tape.

Best cover I've ever heard.